Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How Cute!

Here's Kody "hanging" out with his friends "Nona" and "Bing-bing" on a sunny day!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Snuggle Time

The kids were being very cute and snuggly the other morning, so of course I had to snap some pictures! Kody was tickling Mollie and they were both laughing so hard. I love it when they play together!

Friday, March 09, 2007

What a fun week!

Daddy was on Spring Break this week and we have had lots of fun with him! Here are some pictures from the things we've been doing:

We played outside
a lot

Daddy took these cute pictures of us
We went to our favorite Hands-on Museum,
where Daddy played fireman with Mollie,and the Cosi Museum in Toledo, Ohio.What a fun week, too bad it has to end. We can't wait till next time!